Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut?
Do you use the phrase, "One day, I am going to..." too often?
Despite our best effort, we can get stuck in our routines. We tend to put off trying new things, stepping out of our comfort zone, or even just changing up our routine. Instead, these thoughts may just end up on our "To Do" list. With our supportive community, personalized encouragement, and plenty of ideas to get you started, Push Moments can be your platform to keep you accountable and motivated to keep your life fresh!
Objective: To rediscover newness!
Why people join the Push Community:
✔ Accountability
✔ Connection with like-minded people
✔ Support
✔ Inspiration
✔ Challenges
Access to these resources and more:
✔ Inspiration Board
✔ Facebook Group
✔ Newletters
✔ Membership Forum